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标题: [幽默笑话] 据报道中国KFC(肯德基)以“帅哥送餐员”满足饥渴的顾客 [打印本页]

作者: whdxwd1    时间: 2012-2-16 21:55     标题: 据报道中国KFC(肯德基)以“帅哥送餐员”满足饥渴的顾客

KFC China's 'Handsome Delivery Boy Service' Reportedly Satisfies  Hungry Customers

It's more than just service with a smile;in China, that smile might come with a side of dimples, as KFC hasbegun offering a "handsome delivery boy" service, upon request,according to some satisfied customers quoted by the Digital Journal.

Rumors started flying on the Asian microblogging site SinaWeibo, where user "bosnia_woshikaogong" wrote that she placed an orderon the official KFC site, adding that she wanted a handsome man todeliver the meal, Xinhua news agency reports. "Bosnia" then wrote thather request was fulfilled by a "rangy, handsome delivery boy with bigeyes and white skin" and that KFC even called her 10 minutes later toconfirm that she was satisfied with the food and eye candy. China Dailyreports that the Sina Weibo post has been forwarded more than 41,000times and has received more than 5,000 responses, with many satisfiedcustomers taking photos alongside their delivery boys.
KFC has denied the "handsome delivery boy" service on itsown Sina Weibo page, according to What's On Xiamen, saying it onlyoffers "normal delivery service." But despite the denial of itsexistence, the attractive service has garned continual requests, with aChina Daily reporter putting in an order and noting, "a medium-heighthandsome delivery boy came moments later," according to Digital Journal.
Rumors continue to roll, with customers speculating thatthe service is a secret marketing tactic by KFC, according to ChinaDaily. The story comes at an especially crucial time for KFC, as Reutersreported on Feb. 7 that KFC parent company Yum Brands, Inc., plans toincrease prices in China to offset rising food and labor costs.According to Reuters, Yum plans to add another 600 restaurants in China,where its brands include KFC, Pizza Hut, East Dawning and Little Sheep.CNN notes that Yum is one of the most successful American companies toenter China, where the company derives almost half of its worldwiderevenue.

1、Fatema Saber :14 hours ago (12:54 PM)
and of course we get no pictures with the article.

frdafury :12 hours ago ( 2:41 PM)
But we did! A grainy, B & W picture with the "handsome delivery boy's" face shadowed by his hat to add insult to injury.

2、Kenny2k :14 hours ago (12:56 PM)
China is weird!!!!!

Marvin Hadley Jr :11 hours ago ( 3:57 PM)
There's more sex going on in China than anywhere else.

dave1111 :11 hours ago ( 4:26 PM)
Once there were 2 Chinese, now look how many!

escribacat :10 hours ago ( 4:46 PM) How do you know?
Marvin Hadley Jr ,你是怎么知道的?

3、mchance27 :14 hours ago ( 1:04 PM)
We need this service in the U.S. :)

4、Opus Fideo :14 hours ago ( 1:25 PM)
I know where this is going... bow chika wow wow

5、xanaxngin :14 hours ago ( 1:26 PM)
Stupid, stupid, stupid. As if people need to be further objectifie d and disrespect ed by each other.

6、juicyju :13 hours ago ( 1:52 PM)
I bet the delivery boy is Jewish.

7、Blodo :14 hours ago ( 1:55 PM)
Well their chicken tastes like cardboard, so adding a bit of value in the delivery certainly can't hurt.

Sam Keem :13 hours ago ( 2:25 PM)
lol how does grease and meat taste like cardboard?

Blodo :12 hours ago ( 3:27 PM)
Dry, stringy, with no flavour. We buy all our meat from local free-range producers. It's like a different food entirely.

Marvin Hadley Jr :12 hours ago ( 3:56 PM)
Their chicken in China tastes great--muc h better than here. KFC is viewed at a higher level, with a larger menu, and even white tablecloth s in some stores. Some couples are married in KFCs.

8、Laurel Sayler :13 hours ago ( 2:13 PM)
I find it bizarre that the Chinese get better service from KFC than we do here.

boomer7391 :12 hours ago ( 3:15 PM)
boys on bikes deliver from every fast food place in Lima, peru.
but cold fries are not that good.

ncrespi :7 hours ago ( 8:37 PM)
Here we call it massage parlors.

9、guardstar360 :12 hours ago ( 3:03 PM)
I'm sure that willcomplement the hot chick room service in china . Please send me one hotchicken with extra large white breasts , and no fat . thank you .

10、guardstar360 :12 hours ago ( 3:06 PM)
They should change the name to CFR , Kentucky Fried Rooster, or Cock lol.

11、Derek Grantham :12 hours ago ( 3:11 PM)
Great, just great.... this is just what a world with a growing BMI needs, fast food restaurant s giving even more reasons and ways to get their unhealthy foods to the masses.

12、Not2Tired2Stand :12 hours ago ( 3:36 PM)
I guess I don't have the qualificat ions to be a KFC delivery boy in China. I'll scratch that off my list of possible career moves.

13、Savage Saint Roger :11 hours ago ( 4:03 PM)
Well, why not?!

14、dave1111 :11 hours ago ( 4:25 PM)
So that's where Flossys been.

Telemachus :10 hours ago ( 5:27 PM)
Ruthlessly pursuing individual happiness, as always.

15、aphextwin07 :11 hours ago ( 4:27 PM)
nice marketing. ..

16、coolhandfreak :11 hours ago ( 4:39 PM)
Leave it to the communist Chinese to use capitalist ic methods to move their products. Male hunks delivering chicken,,, ,yowsa!!!! . What's next?,,,,, where the pretty ladies???? ?.

17、Fireslayer :11 hours ago ( 4:40 PM)
Maybe he provides a finger licking service as well?

18、WillowInTheWind :11 hours ago ( 4:50 PM)
Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Secret Recipe"... .......

19、melanielpc :11 hours ago ( 4:51 PM)
Yes, but can they choke the chicken?

20、spach10 :10 hours ago ( 5:00 PM)
oh come on..hello. ..been doing that for years..... you don't see many ugly bartenders , serving drinks do ya??

StopThePlanet :9 hours ago ( 6:22 PM)
Some of them start out ugly but they get cuter by the end of the evening.

21、Telemachus :10 hours ago ( 5:22 PM)
News flash: Limbaugh cancels Cancun vacation, books flight to Shanghai instead.

22、Telemachus :11 hours ago ( 5:25 PM)
I guess it goes without saying that every order is "bone-in".

23、TurnToTheLeft :10 hours ago ( 5:49 PM)
Don't tell Eric Cartman, he'll go ballistic about all that good crispy chicken an gravy going to China.

24、FVMTX75 :10 hours ago ( 6:00 PM)
Col. Sanders is spinning in his grave!!! SMH...

25、Pierre Fontaine :10 hours ago ( 6:13 PM)
Mmm Kentucky Fried Cruelty

26、czs5056 :10 hours ago ( 6:26 PM)
We MUST import this idea (you can replace handsome men with beautiful women though)

27、rhiredhelp :10 hours ago ( 6:27 PM)
*Wonders what the tipping scale is*. :-X ;-)
哈哈哈哈哈……要知道小费可是*. :-X ;-) 打上马赛克

28、Daniel Alman :9 hours ago ( 6:59 PM)
Is this KFC. OK i willlike to order a bucket of chicken breast and have that to be deliveredby a a horny busty latino.... Ok thankyou

29、O K Ali :9 hours ago ( 7:23 PM)
Bow chika wow wow.

30、songoftherushes :8 hours ago ( 8:30 PM)
Serviced with a smile.

31、Bob Metcalfe :7 hours ago ( 9:24 PM)
Dammit these ideas come up when I'm OLD! I coulda been a contender :-).

32、katocat :7 hours ago ( 9:33 PM)
Finger lickin good.

33、Joe Moore :7 hours ago ( 9:46 PM)
This sounds like thebeginning of a porn. I wonder how many of the 'boys' deliver much morewhen they realize they could probably get away with it?

34、gerorem :6 hours ago ( 9:51 PM)
"Why 45 minutes, boss? Well, she had breasts and thighs too, and....... ..."

35、Kev Bat :4 hours ago (11:52 PM)
Order the leg and thigh special .The sauce is tangy !

36、oceanview136 :38 minutes ago (11:59 AM)
As long as I get my delivery quickly, I don't care if he looks like "frankenst ein" !!

37、ivanhoemb :1 hour ago (11:15 AM)
Wow! I wonder if KFC China also has a "Hot Delivery Girl" service, as well?

38、ChickEpoo :2 hours ago (11:02 AM)
That's funny.....
However... ....the big question is....the REALLY big question is......
How long does it take for "Mr. Handsome Delivery Boy" to get from
delivering "Order #1"....... .to his delivery of "Order #2"......
Aaaaaah... ..I smell "competiti on" for " "........L OL !!!

39、ontariogirl :2 hours ago (10:58 AM)
So that was the Colonel Sanders secret ingredient . Who knew.

40、MEVirginia :2 hours ago (10:15 AM)
It may not be a corporatepolicy, but in business you try to give the customer what they want, aslong as it is not illegal, and if they ask for a handsome delivery boy,then you tend to send one you think the customer will like. You wanttheir money and if you comply with the request you will get repeatbusiness. 'The customer is always right.'

41、ladameennoir :3 hours ago ( 9:48 AM)
I have heard of KFC customers in foreign countries who think that guy is really a military colonel.

42、Always Telling The Truth :6 hours ago ( 7:07 AM)
Sorry ladies, I can't be everywhere -- ;-D

43、Brianna Cole :7 hours ago ( 6:15 AM)
*ppphhhhbb bbttt*
Here in Japan, they haveHost and Hostess clubs. You go, pay 100-300 an hour to sit and talk witha handsome man or pretty woman. You ALSO pay for your drinks AND theirdrinks. This is not prostituti on, there is no sex. You pay money, to chat. Its very popular here. This delivery thing, sorry China, we've got ya beat.

44、MMDaly :20 minutes ago (12:36 PM)
Junk food and served by trashy people. Nexy idea!

45、eSense :21 minutes ago (12:35 PM)
Gotta love the cultural difference s.. Over here we're ordering take-out Chinese and over there, they're ordering take-out KFC!

46、360Dunk :29 minutes ago (12:28 PM)
I'm going to see if this request works in the U.S.
I'll call KFC to send over a delivery girl with breasts and thighs.
作者: targen    时间: 2012-2-16 22:20

作者: 文梨纱    时间: 2012-2-16 22:32

Marvin Hadley Jr :12 hours ago ( 3:56 PM)
Their chicken in China tastes great--muc h better than here. KFC is viewed at a higher level, with a larger menu, and even white tablecloth s in some stores. Some couples are married in KFCs.

上文中提到的中国……是我目前身处的这个国家吗?中国应该只有一个吧?0 0
作者: xinhk    时间: 2012-2-16 22:49

作者: 紫日林夕    时间: 2012-2-16 23:03

作者: 紫狐狸    时间: 2012-2-16 23:17

作者: lovebd    时间: 2012-2-16 23:27

作者: zhoujin    时间: 2012-2-16 23:43

作者: srsyy    时间: 2012-2-17 01:01

Marvin Hadley Jr :12 hours ago ( 3:56 PM)
Their chicken in China tastes great--muc h better than h ...
文梨纱 发表于 2012-2-16 21:32

作者: ky1017    时间: 2012-2-17 01:07

作者: amstring    时间: 2012-2-17 03:18

作者: 寒紫依    时间: 2012-2-17 03:29

作者: hongbin1976    时间: 2012-2-17 03:33

作者: freebird007    时间: 2012-2-17 12:57

作者: powercar    时间: 2012-2-17 13:42

作者: huashengyou    时间: 2012-2-18 02:32

我朋友真的定过 网上订餐的时候写着 送餐的必须帅, 不帅不给钱 结果真的来了个很羞涩的小帅哥哟哈哈哈哈 不过当晚帅哥的女友就发短信过来质问真是让人囧囧有神
作者: 麟珈    时间: 2012-2-18 09:07

作者: vanessa9    时间: 2012-2-18 11:17

沒想到外國人竟然這么看中國= =
作者: zpr004s    时间: 2012-2-18 14:56

作者: leinlee    时间: 2012-2-18 22:06

作者: 善善    时间: 2012-2-20 04:55

作者: iharu    时间: 2012-2-22 15:27

Canadian KFCs are not as great as Chinese ones... Serious.
The corn salad is basically corn in water  = =
作者: vivi的小阿狸    时间: 2012-5-4 22:39

作者: 2008080808    时间: 2012-5-5 03:05

这点事 至于评价成这样吗
作者: 美人指    时间: 2012-5-24 04:56

作者: nonozero    时间: 2012-5-26 00:17

作者: jingjinga311    时间: 2012-5-27 06:59


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