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标题: [讨论] gold , bullish pattern [打印本页]

作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-2 22:05     标题: gold , bullish pattern

daily chart:
built second flag pattern.

作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-2 22:05

weekly chart:flag pattern

作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-2 22:08

it is time to buy gold and hold, it woudl touch 1350 this year.
i think gold is bottomed and on the way up.
作者: tianfangye    时间: 2014-7-2 22:09

YES. most underdog commodity stocks are up recently for inflation.
thanks for sharing.
作者: 沁颍    时间: 2014-7-2 22:10

回复 3# oldhorse
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-2 22:21

回复  oldhorse
mooncake 发表于 2014-7-2 22:10

金矿股要和大盘配合, 大盘跌的时候,那些金矿垃圾股也跌得很快的, 而金子不会像金矿股狂跌, 经常反而会涨。
另外金矿股鱼龙混杂, 很难挑选,跌起来的时候,止损都跑不掉, 我吃过亏。 现在要玩金矿股我觉得etf gdx 比较安全,错了来得及跑掉。

作者: 沁颍    时间: 2014-7-2 22:24

回复 6# oldhorse
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-2 22:29

金子就是慢点,疯牛市的时候不适合做,这就是金子根本都不在t大大watch list 上的原因。
不过我想接近2000点的时候, 疯牛可能会歇会接着吃点杂碎啥的,然后好继续疯。

timing it is difficult though, I knew.
作者: freesia    时间: 2014-7-2 22:39

作者: Trinity    时间: 2014-7-2 23:04

回复 8# oldhorse

"玩金子和高红利股 " good suggestion, thanks!

I have a few high dividend stocks (NRF, RAS, IRT) but risk could be relatively high. STAR from the same sector but without dividend yet. I would like to hear your viewpoint or any suggestions.

作者: fishpet    时间: 2014-7-2 23:25

thanks to all of you
作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-7-2 23:55

本帖最后由 qzhou3 于 2014-7-2 23:57 编辑

回复 10# Trinity

I am new in investing so don't know much of the stocks. When I researched REIT stocks, PSEC, ARR, OZM, REM, NYMT all have dividends >12%. PSEC and ARR pay dividends monthly.
I also have some energy stocks which pay good dividends: LINE, BBEP and RIG. With capital gain and dividends, these energy stocks are doing very well. They have higher risks so need to keep an eye on them all the time...
作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-7-3 00:01

BTW, I have quite some STWD - the value of the stock fluctuates too much for me and the dividends are so so. But somehow this stock is recommended more by analysts than other stocks
作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-7-3 00:46

回复 3# oldhorse

Buy gold !!! :) :)
I have some ABX. Have been watching Aimen's NG. Will buy some GLD following your recommendation! Any suggestion for buying price?
作者: 风吹    时间: 2014-7-3 00:49

各国央行新的一轮印钱马上又要开始了。 不印, 马上死。


水多了, 股市接着涨。

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-3 01:20

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-3 01:20

1390 seen soon
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-3 08:33

金子gld, support 是126.5, 这也是今天盘前价格。
目前盘前跌1%, 我觉得是个机会,可以进点, 这是回测126.5, 应该守得住。
守不住的话,下一个支撑在123左右,不会破, 也就是最多损失不到3%。
短期阻力线在128.5 左右,目前阶段应该在126.5 到128.5震荡整理, 破了128.5 就有钱途。
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-3 08:36

盘前还在跌,126。17了, 今天可能是机会。
作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-3 09:37

回复 19# oldhorse

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-3 09:56

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-3 10:20

作者: 读读书    时间: 2014-7-3 11:32

本帖最后由 读读书 于 2014-7-3 11:44 编辑

回复 1# oldhorse

作者: 读读书    时间: 2014-7-3 11:33

回复 8# oldhorse

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-3 11:43


作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-3 18:47

bought gold today, i think today was a good chance.
作者: Trinity    时间: 2014-7-3 20:09

回复 12# qzhou3

I have not played any stocks you mentioned and I would a little bit concerned with this kind of yield of payment and whether the payment is sustainable.

Thank you for your suggestions.
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-11 20:31

gold is grinding up, still looks good.
1300 seems the magnet above
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-11 20:35

weekly looks even better.
almost continues in 4 weeks, out of bottom for sure.
may challenge 1300 next week.
the rate is going higher less than one year from now and gold is going to play a role while stocks gonna get hit to some extent.

作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-11 20:52

本帖最后由 oldhorse 于 2014-7-11 20:57 编辑
金矿股要和大盘配合, 大盘跌的时候,那些金矿垃圾股也跌得很快的, 而金子不会像金矿股狂跌, 经常反而会涨。
另外金矿股鱼龙混杂, 很难挑选,跌起来的时候,止损都跑不掉, 我吃过亏。 现在要玩金矿股我觉得etf gdx 比较安全,错了来得及跑掉。

oldhorse 发表于 2014-7-2 22:21

since that day, gdx has increased by 3.1%

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-11 20:55

回复 30# oldhorse

good call
ma dada, awesome

作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-12 20:53

本帖最后由 oldhorse 于 2014-7-12 20:54 编辑

GDX weekly
higher high, higher low
last week , the volume is more than double.

作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-12 20:57

it looks like it will challenge 28 soon and 30 in mid term.
jung might be a play next week but need a good entry
作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-12 21:23

回复 33# oldhorse
volume tells
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-14 21:53

作者: tianfangye    时间: 2014-7-14 22:12

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-14 22:13

回复 36# tianfangye

作者: tianfangye    时间: 2014-7-14 22:19

回复  tianfangye

aimei 发表于 2014-7-14 22:13

忽悠散户和客户,可能一直反着喊,历史上他们基本没对过 ... ions-accurate-6238/
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-14 22:22

tianfangye 发表于 2014-7-14 22:19

作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-7-14 22:36

今天跌的很诡异, 没道理这么快, 不正常。
无论怎么看, 都看不出要跌这么多。

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