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标题: [闲谈] 很有意思! [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2014-11-7 00:11     标题: 很有意思!

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2014-11-7 00:03 编辑

[Pre-take off announcement on a China Southern Airlines Flight].  This is true.
account of what was heard on a recent flight from Shenzhen to Qingtao .
Chinese Air Stewardess

'Good afternoon, Ladies and the German. This is your cheap purser Wang Lui speaking. On behalf of China Sudden Airlines, I would like to welcome you on board our Bowling 737 from Shenzhen to Qingtao. Members of my crew speak Chinese and other languages that you do not know. It is a great pressure serving you to-die. Should you need any resistance during the fright, peace do pest the call button. I and my gals are available to make you feel comfortable. Meanwhile, the airkwaft is going to fry. Peace sit upright and keep you belt tightly fastened until dinner is served at five dirty p.m.. Hope you would enjoy your fright with us. Funk kill.' (thank you)
作者: 1235678    时间: 2014-11-7 00:16

作者: 出水芙蓉    时间: 2014-11-7 00:18

本帖最后由 小弄弄 于 2014-11-6 23:26 编辑

From Shenzhen to Qingtao 说英语?
作者: tianfangye    时间: 2014-11-7 00:41

Air China 上的口音也是这样,难懂,李阳英语大妈们在央视春晚表演也听不懂。

这是一个很好的! [预起飞公告在中国南方航空公司的航班。这是真实的。

“下午好,女士们和德国。这是你的便宜乘务长王吕说。代表中国航空公司突然,我想欢迎您登上我们的保龄球737从深圳到清掏。我的船员讲中国等多国语言的“你不知道。这是一个很大的压力服你到死。如果你的恐惧,和平,那么害虫的呼叫按钮时需要的任何阻力。我和我的女同胞们都可以让你感觉很舒服。同时, airkwaft是要炒。和平坐直,并保持你带紧紧固定直到晚餐在5脏点,希望你会喜欢你的恐惧与我们联系。恐怖杀人。 “ (谢谢)
作者: 钢铁牛    时间: 2014-11-7 00:59


作者: icc    时间: 2014-11-7 05:57

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-11-7 10:58

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-11-7 11:00

老油条空姐一边随便说说, 一边还在看手机那

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