IXYS Corporation, an integrated semiconductor company, designs, develops, manufactures, and markets power semiconductors, digital and analog integrated circuits (ICs), and systems and radio frequency (RF) power semiconductors worldwide. Its power semiconductors include power metal-oxide-silicon field-effect transistors and insulated-gate bipolar transistors; and thyristors and rectifiers, such as fast-recovery epitaxial diodes. The companyÂ’s ICs comprise solid state relays; line card access switch and data access arrangements integrated products; application specific integrated circuits; power management and control ICs; and microcontrollers. Its RF power semiconductors consist of field-effect transistors, pseudomorphic-high-electron-mobility transistors, and Gunn diodes which enable the amplification or reception of radio frequencies in telecommunication, industrial, defense, and space applications; and systems and other products comprise laser diode drivers, high voltage pulse generators and modulators, high power subsystems, and direct copper bond substrates. The companyÂ’s power semiconductors are used to control electricity in power conversion systems, motor drives, and medical electronics; and ICs are used to interface with telecommunication lines, control power semiconductors, and drive medical equipment and displays, as well as to integrate peripheral functions, such as network connectivity, timers, serial communication, analog-to-digital conversion, and display drivers on companyÂ’s micrologic devices. IXYS Corporation markets and sells its products through direct sales personnel, independent representatives, and distributors. The company was founded in 1983 and is headquartered in Milpitas, California.作者: wsjboy 时间: 2015-2-12 01:00
Ambarella, Inc. develops semiconductor processing solutions for video that enable high-definition (HD) video capture, sharing, and display worldwide. The companyÂ’s system-on-a-chip designs integrated HD video processing, image processing, audio processing, and system functions onto a single chip for delivering video and image quality, differentiated functionality, and low power consumption. Its solutions enable the creation of video content for wearable sports cameras, automotive aftermarket cameras, Internet Protocol (IP) security cameras, and camcorders in the camera market; and manage IP video traffic, broadcast encoding, transcoding, and IP video delivery applications in the infrastructure market. The company sells its solutions to original design manufacturers and original equipment manufacturers through its direct sales force and logistics providers. Ambarella, Inc. was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.作者: wsjboy 时间: 2015-2-12 01:03
InvenSense, Inc. designs, develops, markets, and sells micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) gyroscopes for motion tracking devices in consumer electronics. The company delivers motion interface solutions based on its multi-axis technology that target smartphones and tablets, console and portable video gaming devices, digital still and video cameras, smart TVs, navigation devices, toys, and health and fitness accessories. It offers MEMS motion sensors, such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, compasses, and pressure sensors, as well as microphones. Its products include 6-axis MotionTracking System-on-a-Chip (SoC) devices for handheld and wearable consumer electronics products; ICM-20728 device, a 7-axis MotionTracking SoC device that combines 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and pressure sensor in the same silicon die; and the third generation of Digital Motion Processor (DMP) to process complex 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms. The company also offers ICS-40310, ICS-40720, ICS-40160 microphone devices. InvenSense, Inc. sells its products to manufacturers of consumer electronics devices, original design manufacturers, and contract manufacturers through a direct sales organization and indirect channel of distributors internationally. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in San Jose, California.作者: wsjboy 时间: 2015-2-12 01:05
the original recommendation article was written june 2014. I just wanted to see how good he was.