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标题: 【歧视白人】黑人政权中的白人平民窟 [打印本页]

作者: WMJ    时间: 2016-3-4 10:07     标题: 【歧视白人】黑人政权中的白人平民窟

南非寮屋营地,一个黑人政权国家中的白人平民窟.......  从之前的白人歧视黑人,到现在黑人歧视白人. 南非在追求平等的道路上,成了一个颠倒的国家.......

作者: garbo    时间: 2016-3-7 15:22

To be honest, I never liked the black people in America. I believe the vast majority of them have no moral compass and are prone to violence. They like to victimize themselves when they don't get what they want and are always looking for the easy way out. There may be exceptions, but few and far between. And as a matter of fact, the most racist people I know are black people.

Ignorant, barbaric and violent. I have lived in low income areas, with Hispanic communities, white communities, and Asian ones. I dare not live in a black neighborhood. You will be robbed faster than you can cry for help, and even then, the cops that do come to help you will be shamed on television for hitting or arresting any black person.  

I am racist, prejudice, whatever it is called. Specifically toward black African Americans. You don't believe what I have said, once you live in America long enough, you will believe me.
作者: 清风不识字    时间: 2016-5-15 05:55


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