在华盛顿访问期间,两位艺术家除了国会图书馆举办的演讲会之外,还应邀在陶森大学(Towson University)、美国国家民俗中心(American Folklife Center)、美国亚洲文化学院艺术中心(Center for the Arts UACA)、世界银行(The World Bank)举办演讲、收藏、访谈记录及交流,与美国艺术家、评论家、批评家、收藏家及艺术同行共同交流世界关注的当代中国艺术。
时间:Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:00—1:00pm
地址:West Dining Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building The Library of Congress,
101 Independence Ave, SE, Washington DC 20540
This event is co-sponsored by the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress, University of Maryland, College Park, HRSLO, The World Bank, and Towson University.
Request ADA accommodations five business days in advance at (202)707-6362 (voice/TTY) or email: ADA@loc.gov
West Dining Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building, The Library of Congress作者: ertyghed 时间: 2009-8-7 04:35