本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2011-7-1 14:11 编辑
Of course they are not "那几个简单分布", but you use the word "probability" losely so that's why I t ...
snowrider 发表于 2011-7-1 14:03 
All the TAs in stock trading, which you termed as "USELESS", are related to statistics. To say the TAs are useless, that means you don't understand them well.
比如我说超买, 是说的统计意义上的. 比如说, 已经连续20天高温了, 接下来也许继续高温, 是趋势, 这个你可以用MA来看. 但是趋势有长有短, 季节变化了, 趋势就会反转了. 比如, 买高的人多起来了, 做空的已经被挤压差不多了, 就该反转了. |