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mitt romney can pull those off just because he has a rich dad and powerful family...nth new...most dems presidents are from average families, most republican ones are from rich and powerful familes, they are more likely to succeed than others like you and me.

JFK was an exception to dems.
it is like if your dad is 温家宝,你干啥都成功。温家宝儿子能跟别人讲他PE投资牛是靠他自己吗?
it is like if your dad ishttp://www.yayabay.com/forum/thread-222316-1-1.html,你干啥都成功。温家宝儿子能跟别人讲他PE投资牛是靠他自己吗?
pvsimulink 发表于 2012-11-6 19:43

Massachusetts Election 2012: Mitt Romney Likely To Lose Home State

Why? Why? Why? 呵呵!
CoolMax 发表于 2012-11-6 19:32

    good question!