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[闲谈] 军委今天技术性被爆菊,最后一刻没守住膜膜,我们还是对熊宝宝的每一点进步感到欣慰

本帖最后由 tfmegatron 于 2011-9-21 19:07 编辑

but hey, bulls, at least we tried to take back, right? ... 自个吹口哨去了,一切还在掌控中,厚厚!
what should we go now ?
Hold it until QE3 ?
but hey, bulls, at least we tried to take back, right? ... 自个吹口哨去了,一切还在掌控中,厚厚!
tfmegatron 发表于 2011-9-21 18:56

主席英明!!!不过现在都还没跌破前次的低点,如果spy 再跌70点,跌破1100,那真熊就来了。
what should we go now ?
Hold it until QE3 ?
怒尊 发表于 2011-9-21 19:11

主席英明!!!不过现在都还没跌破前次的低点,如果spy 再跌70点,跌破1100,那真熊就来了。
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-9-21 19:22

tfmegatron 发表于 2011-9-21 19:31

好策诺,步步为营!!!你说的退是怎么退法,是卖掉啊?还是减仓啦?我今天手痒也买了一些,正纳闷 ...
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-9-21 19:35

set stop, let stops be triggered,,, or if the profits are enough, you can simply sell,,, but never ever turn profits into loss,,, once you get out, don't rush to jump in again, wait for next opportunity,,, right now, i see two dragon drinking water yesterday and today, let's see how mkt react tomorrow as the second day of important news...


西门吹雪 发表于 2011-9-21 19:40

回复 5# 看彩云伴海鸥

lot of stock are very cheap now.
If QE3 today, the stock will go up !
but FED did not offer QE3.
maybe Nov meeting will address QE3.
set stop, let stops be triggered,,, or if the profits are enough, you can simply sell,,, but nev ...
tfmegatron 发表于 2011-9-21 19:38

   thank you very much for your explanation!!!It is wonderful!!!
set stop, let stops be triggered,,, or if the profits are enough, you can simply sell,,, but nev ...
tfmegatron 发表于 2011-9-21 19:38

  你常说的“爆菊”和“  right now, i see two dragon drinking water yesterday and today,  是什么意思啊?
你常说的“爆菊”和“  right now, i see two dragon drinking water yesterday and today,  是什么 ...
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-9-21 19:52
