本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2015-3-28 14:11 编辑
- Well I live in an apartment complex, next door to a young Chinese family. Which is why I googled, "Why do Chinese people stink?". I respect cooks (I am a culinary grad myself) but... The smells that come out of their apartment are strong and out of the ordinary, I am always left nauseous. It smells like they cook lots of fish, dog and even cat. I am not joking or being intentionally mean. many times, I have noticed that this family leaves their stinky trash bags full of left overs and dirty diapers right outside their apartment door. (they have a three year old son) We are inside an apartment building so you can only imagine how the hallway smells. Disgusting!! The smells are so bad, they stink up my apartment. (the smell leaks through the vents) I like Chinese food. well Asian food in general but when I smell this, I really don't know what I am smelling. A mixture of trash, dirty diapers and other stuff. It just makes my feel sick. I am not sure if it's in their culture to be dirty people or if it's just this family. I want to be believe it's just this particular Chinese family. On the other hand, almost every time I hear about the health department shutting down another restaurant for health code violations, nine times out of ten, it's an Asian place. It's probably just those Asians who are not Asian American. Meaning those who weren't born and raised in America. That's my guess. Well... what should I do about this? There isn't really much I can do except for complain about the trash which I did. Cooking and being dirty isn't a crime. So i am just left disgusted every day. Bummer!
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- The Chinese tend to put smelly garbage and leftovers outside their apartments to a dirty place so they don't have smells in their home. To the Chinese and Japanese who have no body odor because of lack of body hair, white people who are not smooth but hairy have a natural goat sheep smell that is malodorous to the Chinese. The Chinese unlike Japanese also find Western perfumes to be a malodorous stench and find pungent fruits like durians to be heavey, their noses and scent preference are genetically different. Google Chinese delicacy smelly tofu. Expensive French cheese to Chinese noses smell like sewage. The doorway outside with public smells is probably considered smelly and a dirty ok place to put garbage bag before it is disposed. They probably thought that since the white neighbours have body odours, the wouldn't mind the smells unlike the Chinese. In Asian cities, garbage are disposed of immediately down in a chute and does not need to be brought down, so they are not used to bringing the trash to the basement immediately. Chinese cities are also not as cold in winter so buildings are not enclosed and smells recirculated like in North America. They are aired outside the apartment where the smells escape. Chinese skyscrapers are made of steel and concrete which unlike steel with wood and wallpaper do not absorb odours. I think you should politely ring their doorbell and nicely volunteer for your neighbors to immediately take their garbage downstairs and they will get the hint. The Chinese hate to lose "face" subject to the slightest shame will feel very guilty and politely immediately take their trash down and volunteer to take yours out if you are in a condo. Some inconsiderate neighbours be they white or Chinese are just bad neighbours which is why never buy a condo. You won't have this problem if you live in a house. White people complain about Chinese and Indian smells and Chinese conplain about white body odour, goat sheep beer body odour and Indians complain that Chinese and bland Western foods lack the smell and punch of their spices herbs and currencies. Even within families and within races people don't like each other's smells if they live in crammed condos. If they live in huge houses far apart they will miss each other's foods and smells. This is just human nature. Rich and poor Chinese, clean and dirty white people also fight each other because of smells and scent preferences. This is a divisive topic because the olfactory senses reach deep into your brain and soul. If your nanny breastfed you close to dirty smelly socks, you will forever find that smell motherly. If your parent died of cancer surrounded by roses you will forever feel nauseous when you smell roses. This is Pavlovian effect at work. It is all relative. China Chinese are dirtier and smellier if they are peasants because peasant work ways and lives are dirtier..same in Europe...China is an agrarian and newly industrialized very polluted country so median standards are lower but the upper middle class and the rich can exceed the hygiene standards of the Europeans. Their new apartments and bathrooms are spotless as in the showroom. Their hotels and airlines are of a relatively high standard although they can't compare to Hong Kong and Singapore international ranking for hygiene, cleanliness and service. It is all about wealth and not really about culture or race.
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- I've been working in Chinese company for 5 months now. At first, I thought that I'm the one who smells it, but turns out that every local complaint about it. I am Asian, but not Chinese. They really smells bad. Some people guess they smell because they eat porks. But Korean eat porks, but they don't smell bad. Even one day at the elevator. I stand in between the crowd. There were two Chinese people chatted. I didn't stand up besides these two persons, but i can really smell their bad breath. I really wished I could go out asap. Yes, it was THAT bad. Fyi, the not-smell-bad Chinese people have their own reputation, a good one of course.
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- As a white guy who has dated many Asian girls, I can say with experience that Chinese girls have some of the best smelling (and sexiest) natural body scents out there. Most Asians, regardless of individual culture, are generally very clean, and their homes neat, in my experience. Take home message: people are individuals, try not to generalize with only narrow experience. Don't confuse individual cleanliness with ethnicity.
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- I am in Shanghai now and I have been living here for the past 6 years and yes 90% of the people here stink. They have this weird body odor and bad breath. Like they haven't brushed their teeth for a long, long time. They look clean from the outside but make sure keep your nose far from their line of breathing..it just stinks..when i first came here, around 2008, I cannot for the life of me, find any deodorant sold anywhere. I have to ask my family to send me some from my home country.I'm Asian by the way, but I know what good hygiene means. It's just shocking how they don't practice that here.
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- China is a really big country with a lot of people. In fact, about a quarter of the world's population are Chinese. Like anywhere else, some are very clean while others are pigs. What we see in the US of recent immigrants tend to be poor. For the most part, poor people tend to have less than ideal personal hygiene. We see very few wealthy immigrants (and I'm not talking about people who's families have been here for centuries) because pretty much any place is a great place to live if you have money so unless there's a civil war and the new ruling faction really wants to store your head on a pike, there isn't any real reason for rich, and generally cleaner, people to emigrate to the cheapest apartment complex in your city.
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- To me, race has nothing to do with how a person smells. But rather lifestyle. Obviously they are just dirty people. Which is common in a lot of minority races. However me being white and growing up in the sticks, we weren't much better.
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- to bad for u tat u live next to the worst chinese family i ever heard of. most chinese ppl i noe smell good and are educated
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- Your situation sounds just like mine. The assigns in my apartment makes the whole place smell like a dirty BO sock with fish 24/7. They are the most repulsive and MEAN neighbors ever. NEVER move in next to asains period unless you like the smell of garbage and shifty losers.