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[讨论] 中概股指数 PGJ 简介。今后何去何从?

霍特中概股指数(Halter USX China Index)简介


霍特中概股指数(Halter USX China Index)是一个对修正后市值进行加权的衡量在美上市中国概念股整体表现的指数。所谓中概股,指的是普通股在美国公开上市但大部分业务在中华人民共和国境内进行的企业。该指数成分股每个季度常规调整一次。

该指数基点为2500点,据2003年9月 30日当时成 分股的收盘价计算得出。霍特(Halter)的名称源自拥有该指数商标权的霍特金融集团。纽交所Arca为该指数的代理计算机构。在每个交易日的美东时间 约上午9:30至下午4:15之间,该指数将每15秒钟计算更新一次。



Halter USX China Index ETF List


Index Description

The Index is comprised of the U.S.-listed securities of companies that derive a majority of their revenue from the People's Republic of China.

ETFs Tracking The Halter USX China Index

ETFs tracking the Halter USX China Index are presented in the following table.

PGJ - Golden Dragon Halter USX China Portfolio Profile


PGJ Tracks This Index: Halter USX China Index

Description: The Index is comprised of the U.S.-listed securities of companies that derive a majority of their revenue from the People's Republic of China.

Other China Equities ETFs


ETFdb staff has allocated each ETF in the ETF database, as well as each index, to a single "best-fit" ETFdb Category. Other ETFs in the China Equities ETFdb Category are presented in the following table.