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把我们生物教授气死了, 每次提起都吹胡子瞪眼。
”政教合一“ 美国是最相近了.
回复 24# cococode

我并没有说美国是 政教合一, 只是说在西方国家,它的政治和法律是和宗教教义最相关的。很多国家的领导人都可以说自己是非宗教人士。是否有宗教信仰也不该成为人们用来评判你的依据。
All you can say is, an education based on religious beliefs and not on science can only lead to ignorance and intolerance. I think United States (the more educated proportion of it) does recognize the failings of it's education system but is incapable of making changes since they are the smaller proportion.
回复 31# cococode

    Yes, I agree you can teach your next generation whatever you believe. But science should stay in science class, god should stay in a religion course. Every culture and religion has their own creation myth, we learn to respect those stories and the heritage and history of those cultures in a course called MYTHOLOGY, not GEOGRAPHY. What to teach the children has little to do with what the teacher wants, rather, the teacher must follow the guidelines that the state government sets. Therefore, what is taught in school is very much a political decision. Furthermore, please do not misunderstand the use of word "theory" in the theory of evolution. The evidence behind this theory is every bit as convincing as the "theory" of gravity.