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回复 1# aimei

哇,老大 also knows clinical?!

The next stage of BPD is Bipolar Disorder, which is a mental disorder characterized by periods of elevated mood and periods of depression. if the mood is significant, which by definition is known as mania or hypomania depending on the severity or whether there is psychosis.

Usually in US, quite a lot of people follow the track

People suffer those disease should be on treatment on regular basis to avoid harming him/herself or others who s/he might have direct/indirect contact.
回复 6# icc

性格分裂-->精神分裂-->狂躁-->疯子 都属于精神疾病类。轻微可以吃点安定让自己情绪稳定下来,重者要每日吃药并要专人看护或者采取强制约束。

