did you see the cow? A cow is about 20000RenMinBi. I like Korean countryside. It isn't poor as you see. Korean people like traditional stuff. and the air in the countryside is very clear and the food is very fresh. I've been Seoul for more than 7 years. I don't like some Korean people. but I really love Korean countryside.
看了韩剧以后突然很同情韩国人和日本人,都是一群生活在资源极度匮乏的小岛上,为了好好生存下来不得不努力拼搏,生存压力可想而知的强大。强大的压力容易滋生变态,这些变态要么是生理上的(如日本的AV),要么是心里上的(如日本自称大日本帝国,韩国自称大韩民国——你要多么自卑才会这样称呼( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!;还有所谓的韩医)