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Vaccine Adverse Events
Common local reactions to vaccines include pain, swelling, and erythema at the injection site. Systemic reactions, including fever, irritability, drowsiness, and rash, may also occur.2 Use of a longer needle (25 mm vs. 16 mm) decreases injection site reactions.3 The fourth dose of the diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine is associated with an increased incidence of fever and injection site reactions compared with the first dose (one in four children).

2 One out of 30 children reports up to seven days of swelling of the entire thigh or upper arm after the fourth or fifth dose.2 Syncope may occur—especially in adolescents—after administration of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine; quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4); or tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.4 Because of this, adolescents should be observed for 15 minutes after receiving these vaccines.2,5 Administration of acetaminophen at the time of vaccination or shortly afterward may alleviate some adverse effects, but there may be a decreased antibody response to some vaccine antigens in children who receive antipyretics.6 For this reason and because antipyretics do not prevent febrile seizures, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) no longer recommends routine prophylaxis before vaccination.7

Serious Adverse Reactions to Vaccines
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP)

Serious allergic reaction12–14

1 per 1,000,000 doses13

Infanrix syringe contains latex11

Measles, mumps, and rubella

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura14–18

1 per 20,000 doses19,20

Contains neomycin and gelatin8

Serious allergic reaction14–19,21

< 1 per 1,000,000 doses19,22,23

Measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella

Febrile seizure14,15,17–21,24

8.5 per 10,000 doses20

Contains neomycin and gelatin8


Serious allergic reaction14,25


Menomune and Bexsero contain latex11



1 per 20,000 to 100,000 doses26

Rotarix contains latex in oral applicator of diluents11
IEvery year in the United States between 3,000 and 4,500 severe vaccine reactions are reported to the Centers for Disease Control," Dr. Bob Sears told CNN’s Don Lemon. "Not mild reactions. Severe reactions that land somebody in the hospital, the intensive care unit or cause a permanent disability or death."

We decided to fact-check Sears’ claim that between 3,000 and 4,500 people report severe vaccine reactions that "land somebody in the hospital, the intensive care unit or cause a permanent disability or death."

We looked at 2014 VEARS data, which covers reports processed as of Dec. 14, 2014. VAERS data shows (as of Feb. 3, 2015):

1,244 cases of people reported hospitalized
416 cases of people reporting a disability
122 reported deaths
388 reported life-threatening cases

That’s a total of 2,170 events, but once you factor out double and sometimes triple counting -- meaning a reported death could also could include a reported disability or hospitalization -- you drop to a total of 1,737 cases. (The numbers change slightly depending on how you run the search. We searched when cases were reported. Since the database is a living document, the numbers may also shift if you choose to run this calculation yourself.)

Sears’ defense

We presented our findings to Sears, who said he approached his calculation in a more generic way. He said he looked at VAERS in December 2009. "At that time, the site reported the number of severe reactions each year going back many years. It averaged out at about 30,000 total reactions reported yearly, and the site stated that between 10 percent and 15 percent of these were serious. That's how I get the number 3,000 to 4,500," Sears said.

"Now, that fluctuates every year. Some years are lower, some higher," Sears said. "You looked at 2014 data, which looks to be about 1,750. That's a low year."

Here, Sears has a point. In fact, the CDC website does still include a general description that matches what Sears told us.

Approximately 30,000 VAERS reports are filed annually, with 10-15% classified as serious (resulting in permanent disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illnesses or death)," the CDC says.

But that didn’t amount to 3,500-4,000 cases in 2014, nor any year we searched as far back as 2006. Sears is correct that 2014 appears to be a low year.

https://www.politifact.com/pundi ... ccine-illnesses-in/
美国每年有122小孩死于疫苗。每年3500到4000严重反应包括致残。我家小孩在中国打疫苗没有严重负反应,在美国打 负反应严重到皮肤要溃烂。无论哪国疫苗,都涉及质量监管。美国贪污犯包括合理的贪污 并不比中国少得多。作为超级财阀垄断的资本决定一切国家 中底层的人员有多少知情权 也要大大打一个问好。网络越发达,被揭露的民主国家选举大规模作弊的事情越多。当然中国疫苗 性质 和毒奶粉 是 明目张胆的犯罪。。。。
还有 德国人70到80年代 发明的 给孕妇吃得要导致几千 海豹畸形儿童。过于迷信国外的质量,就是和搞迷信一样。。。。
回复 5# springwater

二十年来第一次这样的综合性安全审查中,美国政府医学研究所发现了某些疫苗与严重的负面健康结果之间的有说服力的科学证据。它们包括:Chickenpox Vaccine
l  疫苗株水痘带状疹子感染以及随后在表现免疫缺陷的个人中造成肺炎(pneumonia)、 脑炎(encephalitis)、脑膜炎(meningitis)或肝炎(hepatitis)。Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine麻疹—腮腺炎—风疹(MMR)疫苗
l  Measles inclusion body encephalitis
l  麻疹包涵体脑炎
l  Febrile seizures, a type of seizure that occurs in infants and young children in association with fever
l  急性发热(Febrile seizures),在婴幼儿与儿童发生的伴随发烧的一种急性症
l  Short-term joint pain (arthralgia) in children and women
l  儿童与妇女中出现短期关节痛(arthralgia)其他的发现揭示:l  六种疫苗 -- (1)麻疹--腮腺炎--风疹MMR疫苗(measles-- mumps--rubella – MMR)、(2)水痘带状疹子疫苗(varicella zoster, chickenpox)、(3)流行性感冒疫苗(influenza)、(4)乙型肝炎疫苗(hepatitis B)、(5)脑膜炎疫苗(meningococcal)与(6)破伤风疫苗(tetanus)与过敏反应(anaphylaxis)有关联(严重的、潜在危害生命的过敏反应)。人乳头状病毒疫苗也与酵母过敏个人中的过敏反应(anaphylaxis)相关。
l  Injection of any vaccine in general can lead to sudden fainting (syncope) and symptoms of deltoid bursitis, or shoulder inflammation
l  注射任何这些疫苗总的来讲能够导致土壤昏晕昏厥(syncope)以及三角肌滑液囊炎(deltoid bursitis),或者肩膀炎症(inflammation)。
l  Two Canadian flu vaccines were linked to oculo-respiratory syndrome characterized by conjunctivitis, facial swelling, and mild respiratory symptoms.
l  两种加拿大流行性感冒疫苗与奥库拉呼吸系统综合症(oculo-respiratory syndrome)相关,特征包括结膜炎(conjunctivitis)、面部肿胀(facial swelling)以及温和的呼吸系统症状(mild respiratory symptoms)。
l  Scientific research suggests that many people, who experience an adverse reaction to vaccines, have individual susceptibility that can make them at higher risk for experiencing acute and chronic health problems after vaccination due to biodiversity (genetic variations) within populations; age at the time of vaccination; immune deficiencies; coinciding infections/illnesses; and other environmental exposures, (such as toxins, traumas).
l  科学研究提议,对疫苗有负面反应经历的许多人,具有个性化的易受损害脆弱性,使他们在相同人群中在疫苗注射后对急性的与慢性的健康问题因下述因素具有更高风险,如生物多样性(基因不同);注射疫苗的年龄与时间;免疫缺陷;同时有感染/疾病;其他环境性暴露(如毒素、外伤)。  

Too Little Evidence Available to Effectively Evaluate Most Side Effects

    Despite conclusive findings by IOM linking certain vaccines to brain inflammation, febrile seizures and potentially life-threatening infections like pneumonia and meningitis in susceptible individuals, most of the media headlines about the IOM’s 600-page report are spinning the reports conclusions and stating that “few adverse effects are caused by the vaccines reviewed in this report.”
    尽管美国政府药学研究所(IOM)确凿发现某些疫苗与某些症状有关联,如脑部炎症(brain inflammation)、急性发热(febrile seizures)、已遭受损害脆弱个人中像肺炎(pneumonia)与脑膜炎(meningitis)这样的潜在威胁生命的感染,大部分媒体关于药学研究所(IOM)这个600页报告的头条将报告的结论描绘为“这个报告伸出了疫苗造成的少数一些负面影响。”
    真实的情况是药学研究所获得他们令人震惊的结论时公开承认 “对绝大多数,(135项疫苗—负面事件对),获得的证据不足于接受或者否定一项因果关系。”换句话说,对于与疫苗注射后发生的大部分副作用与健康状况而言,他们完全不懂疫苗注射是否导致出现了的问题。事实上,药学研究所的委员会警告,对如下情况不应做误导性解释:他们不知道100种所报告的与八种疫苗相关联的非常严重健康问题是由这些疫苗造成的,还是不是由它们造成的。在大部分情况下,该委员会未能够取得结论的原因,是因为医学文献中仅发表了很少对疫苗相关负面事件或研究进行审查的科学研究论文,而且它们采用的方法学在一定程度上有缺陷。

    And isn’t this precisely the problem? The current vaccination schedule is a one-size-fits-all approach that has never been proven safe!

    As Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), stated:
    如芭芭拉·罗·费舍(Barbara Loe Fisher),国家疫苗信息中心(National Vaccine Information Center -- NVIC)创立者强调:

    "The truth is, nobody knows how many vaccine victims there are in America, how many of the 1 in 6 learning disabled children; or the 1 in 9 with asthma; or the 1 in 100 who develop autism; or the 1 in 450 who become diabetic, can trace their chronic inflammation, disease and disability back to vaccine reactions that have been dismissed by public health officials and doctors for the past century as just "a coincidence.""
    “真相是,没有任何人知道在美国有多少疫苗受害者:没有人知道在每6个孩子中为什么有一名有学习障碍(learning disabled)的孩子;或者每9个孩子中为什么有一名有气喘(asthma)的孩子;或者每100个美国人中为什么有1名患孤独症(autism);或者每450个美国人中为什么有1名患糖尿病(diabetic),他们的慢性抑郁症(inflammation)、疾病与残疾能够回追到疫苗反应,这些疫苗反应过去百年来一直被公共健康官员与医生们忽略不考虑为仅仅是‘巧合’”。国家疫苗信息中心(NVIC)最近发表了关于美国政府药学研究所新的报告的一个声明,特别关注这一事实:

    This is a very important conclusion, because the current state of science holds no answers for parents and doctors, who for many years have reported multiple vaccine injuries to the government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
    “这是一项重要的结论,因为目前状态的科学对孩子们的家长与医生们给不出答案,他们多年来向政府的‘疫苗负面事件报告系统(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System -- VAERS)’报告了多重疫苗损伤。

    Insufficient scientific evidence to make a call about whether certain vaccines do or do not cause a wide range of serious health conditions, such as encephalitis, encephalopathy, stroke, asthma, autism, SIDS, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, lupus, and blood disorders, is problematical when these vaccines are mandated by law to be used by every child and recommended for many adults.
    “对与某些疫苗是或者不造成广泛范围严重健康状况,例如脑炎(encephalitis)、脑病(encephalopathy)、中风(stroke)、哮喘(asthma)、孤独症(autism)、婴儿猝死综合症(SIDS)、多发性硬化症(multiple sclerosis)、关节炎(arthritis)、狼疮(lupus)以及血液失调(blood disorders),在法规强制规定对每个孩子以及推荐对许多成年人注射这些疫苗情况下,由于缺乏足够科学证据而不能发出警告就成了一个大问题。

    The Committee's clear acknowledgement that there is a lack of adequate scientific understanding about the way that vaccines act in the human body, including how, when, why and for whom they are harmful, is confirmation that more and higher quality vaccine safety science is urgently needed."
    令疫苗造成的损伤更为糟糕,由独立研究者们进行的一项单独的审查对1999-2003年度国家免疫调查(National Immunization Survey)数据进行了研究,发现19-35个月年龄儿童的10%获得额外次数疫苗注射,而且,对于从一家以上机构或多家提供方获得疫苗的儿童的额外疫苗次数最高。这是孩子们所需要的最后一件事,特别考虑到每年出现一种或更多种“新”的疫苗出现加入到目前已经过载的安排。从目前情况看,现在的孩子到他们6岁时生长过程中应期望注射14种疫苗总共注射48次 – 从
    美国每一个孩子获得相同这样的“处方”,尽管人们都了解所有的孩子在生物学方面并不相同 – 如同药学研究所最近的报告清楚指出的那样 – 某些孩子不能承受目前推荐的疫苗安排因而造成对他们健康严重的损伤。如果你带你的孩子去多家保健服务提供者或机构的话,他们错误地“额外”注射他们最为推荐安排的疫苗的几率较高。

    To avoid this, if you do decide to vaccinate, be sure you keep a detailed record of which vaccinations your child has received, and when – do not rely on your doctor’s office to do that for you. It is also a good idea to have your child’s vaccination history on hand in the event there is a vaccine reaction.
    为了避免这种情况,如果你决定注射疫苗的话,一定确保你保留这你的孩子过去注射过的所有疫苗的详细记录,以及何时注射 – 而不要依赖于你的医生的办公室为你这样做。出现疫苗反应时,随身携带你的孩子的疫苗注射历史记录是一个好主意。

You Can View Common Vaccine Reactions Right Now
    你也可以审查医生与患者或者家长们自己向联邦“疫苗负面事件报告系统”(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System -- VAERS)的疫苗负面事件报告。这是任何人可以提交疫苗反应报告的国家监视网。“疫苗负面事件报告系统”1986年依据“国家儿童疫苗损伤法令”(National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act)建立,要求健康专业人士报告严重的健康问题,包括注射常规推荐一秒后发生的住院治疗、损伤与死亡事件。

    An important aspect of VAERS is that anyone can both read and post vaccine adverse events to this database. So if your doctor discounts your concerns about vaccination (or afterward, if your child regresses or gets ill after a vaccine), you can verify or report them yourself -- and people are doing just that when doctors or other vaccine providers refuse to report to VAERS after a vaccine reaction occurs.
    “疫苗负面事件报告系统”的一个重要方面是,任何人士都可以阅读该系统数据库中的疫苗负面事件报告,也可以向这个系统提交这样的报告。因此,如果你的医生不考虑你对疫苗注射提出的担心(或者不考虑注射疫苗后出现的异常或病症),你可以访问该系统阅读其他的报告进行自己的验证,或者可以自己提交注射疫苗后出现异常或病症的报告 – 当医生或其他疫苗提供方在发生疫苗反应后拒绝报告时,人们就是这样做。

    You can access VAERS here, or you can go to Medalarts.org, which provides an easy, powerful search engine for looking up specific reactions or vaccines in the VAERS database. With over 70 vaccines included, VAERS is an excellent tool that can help you read descriptions of vaccine reactions and identify which vaccines are associated with the most side effects.
    你可以直接访问“疫苗负面事件报告系统”(VAERS),或者访问http://www.Medalarts.org ,后者提供对VAERS系统数据库中特定反应或特定疫苗的一个使用方便、强有力的搜索引擎。包括有70多种疫苗的VAERS系统数据库是一个优良的工具,可以帮助你阅读疫苗反应的描述,并且识别哪些疫苗与绝大部分副作用相关联。

    It is important to know, though, that only a tiny fraction of serious health problems that occur after vaccination are actually reported. Studies have estimated that less than 10 percent, to as little as ONE percent of vaccine side effects are ever reported to VAERS, so the true side effects are easily FAR higher than the statistics show.

Are You Ready to Get Educated About Vaccines?

    The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is clearly the leading Internet resource, providing objective, unbiased information that you will need to make intelligent, informed decisions about which vaccines you, your children or other members of your family may want to use.
    我也鼓励你参与国家疫苗信息中心(NVIC)在从事的工作,他们工作的目的是保护你选择你愿意你的孩子接受何种疫苗注射的权利,包括接受所有疫苗注射、选择其中一部分以至全部不选择的法律权利。你可以免费注册你的NVIC拥护者入口,它将教育你了解对你的做出疫苗注射选择的权利可能面临的威胁,同时安排你与被选举的你们州的代表直接联系,以便你可以在你们州帮助保护疫苗免注射权。你应当保持了解你们州与此有关情况的进展,同时让人们听到你的声音。Source:  Institute of Medicine: Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality August 25, 2011
http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2011/ ... -and-Causality.aspx

Source:  Public Health Reports:Extra-immunization as a clinical indicator for fragmentation of care, July-August 2011; 126 Suppl 2: 48-59

Source:  Green Med Info: Extra-immunization is associated with receiving immunizations from multiple providers and multiple facility types.
http://www.greenmedinfo.com/arti ... and-multiple-facili

Related Links:

   A Parent's Horrid Nightmare: Coming Soon to YOUR State?

  Should Pediatricians 'Fire' Patients Whose Parents Don't Vaccinate?
http://articles.mercola.com/site ... dont-vaccinate.aspx

   One of the Most Inexcusable Vaccine Revelations of All...







关键词:疫苗 疫苗副作用 疫苗机制 疫苗污染 病毒 流产胚细胞 危害健康

       美国政府药学研究所(IOM)在审查了1000多项疫苗研究之后发现14种危险的副作用与注射疫苗相关后不久前承认:“疫苗并非无副作用,或并非无‘负面作用’” 。美国国家疫苗信息中心(NVIC)关于药学研究所(IOM)的报告最近发表的声明强调“这次的审查受到有关疫苗负面影响知识缺口的束缚”;“真相是,没有任何人知道在美国有多少疫苗受害者:没有人知道在每6个孩子中为什么有一名有学习障碍的孩子;或者每9个孩子中为什么有一名有气喘的孩子;或者每100个美国人中为什么有1名患孤独症;或者每450个美国人中为什么有1名患糖尿病,他们的慢性抑郁症、疾病与残疾能够回追到疫苗反应,这些疫苗反应过去百年来一直被公共健康官员与医生们忽略不考虑为仅仅是‘巧合’”。本文及其系列文章还揭示:注射疫苗并不时我们更加健康;自然免疫力与疫苗激发免疫力的区别?世界最知名葛兰素--史克疫苗生产公司疫苗对美国百万儿童、对世界各地3000多万儿童注射后竟然发现受到猪病毒DNA的污染;长期以来向公众掩盖的一项令人震惊的事实:某些疫苗生产中与美容护肤霜中使用了人类流产胚细胞;无良商家与官方勾结推动某些疫苗的真正目的是利润而非健康!

Vaccines Have Serious Side Effects The Institute of Medicine Says So!
http://articles.mercola.com/site ... d=20111002_SNL_MS_1

By Dr. Mercola | September 27 2011
作者:莫克拉博士  发布日期:2011年9月27日

    As I have long stated, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) now admits:
    如同我早就声明的那样,美国政府药学研究所(Institute of Medicine -- IOM)现在也承认:
"Vaccines are not free from side effects, or "adverse effects""

    This admission came after a review of more than 1,000 vaccine studies, which was intended to assess the scientific evidence in the medical literature about specific adverse events associated with eight vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR); varicella (chickenpox); influenza; hepatitis A; hepatitis B; HPV; diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DtaP); and meningococcal.
    这一点是在审查了1000多项疫苗研究之后承认的。这些疫苗研究的目的是评估医学文献中关于八种具体的疫苗相关的特点负面作用的科学证据。这八种疫苗针对(1)麻疹--腮腺炎--风疹MMR疫苗(measles-- mumps--rubella – MMR);(2)水痘(varicella – chickenpox);(3)流行性感冒(influenza);(4)甲型肝炎(hepatitis A);(5)乙型肝炎(hepatitis B);(6)人乳头状病毒(HPV);(7)白喉(diphtheria)、破伤风(tetanus)、非细胞的百日咳(acellular pertussis – DtaP);与 (8)脑膜炎(meningococca)。

    The adverse events selected for IOM review were ones for which people had submitted vaccine injury claims to the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). A convincing causal relationship was found for 14 adverse events and certain vaccines.
    药学研究所选择进行审查的疫苗负面事件是人们提交给“疫苗损伤赔偿计划(Vaccine Injury Compensation Program -- VICP)的疫苗损伤索赔中报告的负面事件。对某些疫苗发现令人信服的因果关系的14种负面事件。

14 Dangerous Side Effects Linked to Vaccination, IOM Report Says

    In the first comprehensive safety review in nearly two decades, the Institute of Medicine found convincing scientic evidence for a causal relationship between certain vaccines and serious adverse health outcomes. This includes:

Chickenpox Vaccine
l  Vaccine strain varicella zoster infection after vaccination without other organ involvement;
l  疫苗注射后出现了不涉及其他器官的疫苗株水痘带状疹子感染;
l  Vaccine strain varicella zoster infection and subsequent infection resulting in pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis or hepatitis in individuals with demonstrated immunodeficiences;
l  疫苗株水痘带状疹子感染以及随后在表现免疫缺陷的个人中造成肺炎(pneumonia)、 脑炎(encephalitis)、脑膜炎(meningitis)或肝炎(hepatitis)。

Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine