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[原创] Its time to start play AAPL earning.

Its time to start play AAPL earning call.

Extreamly over sold, should have a good run. Earning: Jan 23.

AAPL在480有个gap,that's the target...
回复 2# tfmegatron

好,到480 买进。
回复  tfmegatron

好,到480 买进。
saraa 发表于 2013-1-15 11:58

476 fill gap,but maybe 回马枪 first...
对AAPL;来说,480/476 几乎一个价位。
对AAPL;来说,480/476 几乎一个价位。
saraa 发表于 2013-1-15 12:14

I  mean AAPL will U turn first before reaching 480...
对AAPL;来说,480/476 几乎一个价位。
saraa 发表于 2013-1-15 12:14
