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[闲谈] Wo dao ~~~~~~Buffett

Buffett: Penny Stocks Are My Real Key To Wealth

In a famously published interview back in 20111, billionaire investor Warren Buffett revealed to Investopedia reporter Kent Baleevit, that he actually made his wealth from penny stocks and day trading.

"Although Warren Buffett is one of the investors widely credited with popularizing long-term value investing, the fact is he has long since abandoned that approach. Instead of buying giant boring companies and holding on to them for decades...Buffett has thrown his lot into penny stocks."

Shocked? Well you shouldn't be...

Even for investors like Warren Buffett who can afford to buy any of today's big name stocks, the fast paced gains from low priced penny stocks are simply too good to pass up. And for smaller investors who can't afford shares of Google or Apple, a relatively small investment in the right penny stock can net a significant return.

How It Works
When many exciting new companies go public, they often make shares available to average Americans for less than a dollar. These shares are called "penny stocks". These have recently become very popular because small investors can easily afford to invest. Penny stocks are regulated by the SEC and other US authorities, however penny stocks are traded on the "over-the-counter" markets, not NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange.

Why Buy Penny Stocks?

1. Penny Stocks don't cost a lot of money

For the same price as one share in a company like Apple or Google, you now have the power to buy thousands of shares. For example, if you buy 10,000 shares of a $.30 stock, you would invest $3,000. If your stock reaches just $1, you've made $7,000, doubling your money. Imagine if your stock reached $2 or even $3, you can see how profitable penny stocks can become!

2. Get Massive Returns in Days, Sometimes Even Hours

If you are subscribed to the right newsletter, you gain the advantage to potentially uncover penny stocks on the verge of exploding. Do any research and you'll discover it's not uncommon for penny stocks to doublea


That old liar ...
江南有丹桔,经冬犹绿林。 岂伊地气暖,自有岁寒心。 可以荐佳客,奈何阻重深。 运命唯所遇,循环不可寻。 徒言树桃李,此木岂无阴。