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抗不住了! 老秋的经验是, 政府给的数字, x10 那更接近真相
老秋啊, 还没想明白吗? 那是因为你懂的太多了。

Why is nobody else getting concerned about the tap water???
I just sat back and contemplated the current state of the knowledge we have, from the respected Nuclear Engineering department at UCB, which is that the rain water that has been falling down on the bay area for the past 7 days has contained 50 times more radioactivity than the EPA recommends for drinking water. At the same time the amount of rain has been enormous, a historical record with flooding in many areas. So one would think that even a simple mind would add 1+1 and realize that "Hey, chances are that our drinking water has received a large admixture from this rainwater. That admixture might well be 2% (in which case our tap water would already be more radioactive than the EPA recommends), but it could be significantly higher as well. Who can tell that it's not 20%, given the torrential rainfalls we had over the last couple of days? What surprises me is that very few people are asking the same question, and hardly anybody seems to take precautions. What is going on? Do I live in a separate reality?


iodine-131 means that pasture-fed dairy cow milk measuring 68 picoCuries per
*liter* may have recently been on Bay Area store shelves. Iodine-131 levels in milk could have been even higher than this because the EPA failed to correct for the fact that iodine-131 captured on the San Francisco RADNET filter
decayed during transit to the EPA's lab in the Southeast.  Although
public health officials might consider these levels to be of zero concern,
prolonged intakes of contaminated milk might pose a health danger to toddlers, infants or young children.  State and federal public
health officials need to determine the impact of sustained and uncertain radioiodine inputs to the thyroid glands
of the young. The daily rate of
exposure is not the issue - it is the cumulative exposure that could lead to
dire problems down the road.

棒子露出来,不湿,too hot,结果融化了(软了,meltdown了),产生很多放射性物
本帖最后由 buhuyou 于 2011-3-25 19:10 编辑



本帖最后由 秋之皓月 于 2011-3-25 19:01 编辑

Home » Forums » Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Monitoring Forum
Fallout effects from Fukushima on the US west coast...


I would be interested in your reaction to:



Are they wrong? If you could give a scientific explanation why it might make me feel a little better about this situation...

Here is an excerpt:

[slightly technical] A nuclear engineering academic
department scientist at a university in California has recently made
public the concentrations of radioactive material found in rain water collected
on the roof of a hall on a Berkeley campus.  The values reported for March 19 were
measurements of 5.61 Becquerels per Liter for Iodine-131 and 0.26
Becquerels per Liter for Cesium-137 (a sampling run ending on 3/20
found slightly lower levels of Cesium-137 and 7.1 Becquerels per Liter for Iodine-131.)

If our calculations are correct, and
the units convert to 151 picocuries per Liter of water for Iodine-131 for the March 19th values, then each liter of tap
water consumed at these levels will give affected Americans a thyroid dose of
about 1 millirem (or 1,000 microRems).   [NRC NUREG 1.109 rev. 1
Oct. '77 gives 0.0139 milliRems thryoid dose per pCi of I-131 for infants; and
0.00195 mRem for adults). We use average of 0.008 milliRems thryoid dose per pCi. ]

If our estimates are correct, each
liter of tap water (March 19th values) with Cesium-137 is 25% of the levels that scared the pants
off Taiwanese officials on March 20 when imports of Japanese beans were measured at '1
becquerel of cesium ...detected in 1 kilogram (about 2 pounds) of fava bean.'  

The Berkeley lab's levels are equal
to 7 picoCuries per liter/or kilogram of Cesium-137 in rainwater, which, if
manifested at those levels in grown foods, this would be similar to lower levels
in the U.S. food supply in the 1960s. More maps on that here.  

How do foods become contaminated
by rainwater?  It is well established that cow milk tends to
reflect a concentration about 1,000 times the levels of radioiodines in the air over a pasture.
This effect, called bioaccumulation, also applies (although to a lesser extent) to cesium-137 and
strontium-90 in milk.
The radioactive
'distilling' effect in the air-grass-cow-milk-human chain is enhanced when it rains because
precipitation is more effective at depositing airborne radioactive debris to the ground
than with 'dry deposition.'  Even on dry feed lots, cows drink from puddles of rain
water and are exposed in other ways to their rain-soaked environment.
So, the slightly
radioactive levels in California air - according to recently
released EPA data - that included a high reading of 0.068 picoCuries per cubic meter (March 18, San Francisco, CA) for
iodine-131 means that pasture-fed dairy cow milk measuring 68 picoCuries per
*liter* may have recently been on Bay Area store shelves. Iodine-131 levels in milk could have been even higher than this because the EPA failed to correct for the fact that iodine-131 captured on the San Francisco RADNET filter
decayed during transit to the EPA's lab in the Southeast.  Although
public health officials might consider these levels to be of zero concern,
prolonged intakes of contaminated milk might pose a health danger to toddlers, infants or young children.  State and federal public
health officials need to determine the impact of sustained and uncertain radioiodine inputs to the thyroid glands
of the young. The daily rate of
exposure is not the issue - it is the cumulative exposure that could lead to
dire problems down the road.
本帖最后由 秋之皓月 于 2011-3-25 18:57 编辑


looks this from UC BerKeley


Home » Forums » Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Monitoring Forum


I had a question about tellurium 132. I found this on google:
Tellurium 125, 128, 130125Te 127Te 128Te 129Te 130Te 131Te 132Te

Tellurium-132 and its daughter 132I are important in the first few days after a criticality. It was responsible for a large fraction of the dose inflicted on workers at Chernobyl in the first week.

(Heading to a direction of Chernobyl.... just the matter of time...!! The final result could be even worse.... )

The isobar forming 132Te/132I is: Tin-132 (half life 40 s) decaying to antimony-132 (half life 2.8 minutes) decaying to tellurium-132 (half life 3.2 days) decaying to iodine-132 (half life 2.3 hours) which decays to stable xenon-132.

The fact that tellurium has been detected here in California, is that evidence that it indeed came to a meltdown in Japan?
Or does telurium get produced in a normal reactor without meltdown?
Is it possible that the Japanese hide the fact that a melt down occured if tellurium indeed only appears in a meltdown? Also, I read about Xenon found in airsamples, did you find any in the water?

thank you.


质量数为95的锆的放射性核素。符号 [^95Zr] 。半衰期63.98天。发射 [\beta] 辐射(主要能量为0.366兆电子伏)和 [\gamma] 辐射(能量为0.756兆电子伏)。可从反应堆中以中子轰击 [^94Zr] 制得,也可从核燃料裂变产物中提取。科学研究中用作示踪剂。


质量数为131的碘的放射性核素。符号 [^131I] 。半衰期8.03天。发射 [\beta^-] 辐射(最大能量为0.606兆电子伏)和 [\gamma] 辐射(能量复杂,主要为0.365兆电子伏)。可用 [^130Te] 作靶子经反应堆中子辐照产生。用作示踪原子及临床上用于甲装腺功能检查。大剂量 [^131I] 用于治疗甲装腺功能亢进及甲状腺肿瘤。

钌106 runthenium-106


  放射性同位素  已发现钌有15个放射性同位素。钌的主要放射性同位素及其核性质和产生方式见表。其中钌103和钌106是裂变产物核素,钌106有一个半衰期30秒的子体铑106。这两个核素的裂变产额较高,寿命较长,具有强的β-、γ放射性,是裂变产物中的重要核素。



东电表示,周三上午抽取了核电站排水口以南约330米处的海水化验,赫然发现1公升水含有0.23贝克的锆-95。除了锆-95,排水口附近海域也已验出碘131、钌106、碲132、碲129及铯134等放射元素。 (哈哈, 放射性元素大汇总了!!)日本核能专家杉山亘表示,海水中含有锆-95,足以证明核燃料包裹管已被熔化,也许外泄的辐射物来自燃料棒。







    福岛核电厂辐射危机不断升级,「福岛 50人」更有两人遭核辐射水灼伤,令到刚从美国和加拿大运抵的机械人成了协助清理灾场的最佳武器。

    除了上周出动的日本三井公 Moni-Robo可检测辐射及易燃气体,加拿大的 Inuktun公司的机械人配备摄录功能,对仍是漆黑一片的核反应堆,可说大派用场。美国的 iRobot重 68公斤,配备履带,可以爬楼梯,又配备一隻可举起 100公斤重物件的机械臂,经改装后亦可携带消防喉,向反应堆射水,代替人类进入高危区域工作。


据《星洲日报》25日报导,马来西亚举办 「2021:大马拥核?反核?从日本地震浩劫谈起」的讲座会。英国剑桥大学化工博士陈嘉庆指出,根据美国伯克莱大学医学教授葛福曼医生预测,1986年俄罗斯发生的车诺比核电厂爆炸事故,已导致欧洲47万5千人死于癌症;同时,也有47万5千人患上癌症。他说,有医师发现低水平辐射也会导致癌症,辐射问题将导致小孩或胎儿带来严重的问题,因为他们的器官和细胞组织还在成长中,所以对辐射特别的敏感。


