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And the World's Most Expensive City Is...

Rising transport costs and pricey alcohol have earned Singapore the title of the world's most expensive city, according to a new survey.

The Economist Intelligence Unit's 'The Worldwide Cost of Living' survey also found that Tokyo, Japan's notoriously spendy capital, has fallen to sixth place from top spot in its ranking from last year.

Published every March to the public, the study tracks the prices of a basket of goods and services, such food, transport, utilities, alcohol, tobacco, private schools and domestic help as they were in September of the previous year. It then compares them across 131 cities around the world to form an index. The baseline of the index is New York, which has a score of 100. The survey doesn't take into account the price of real estate or income taxes, but it does factor in consumption taxes such as sales tax and levies on alcohol and tobacco.

While some question its utility, the EIU says its survey is intended for human resources managers, who use the findings to calculate how to compensate its managers and executives as they move from one city to another across the globe.

Singapore, which topped the rankings, earned a score of 130, meaning the cost of living there is 30% higher than in New York, which ranked 26th. The Southeast Asian city-state moved up five spots from last year's survey.

Persistent inflation, especially with regard to car ownership, was one major factor pushing Singapore to the top of the ranking, said Edward Bell, a Hong Kong-based economist at the EIU. Transport costs represent 20% of the overall basket of goods measured in the survey.

Alcohol was another factor propelling Singapore to the top, with a bottle of table wine there costing roughly $25, almost twice as much as it would cost in Tokyo (around $12.40).

Paris, with a score of 129, was ranked the world's second most-expensive city, while Oslo (128), Zurich (125) and Sydney (120) ranked third through fifth.

Tokyo had a score of 118, as did Caracas, Geneva and Melbourne. Copenhagen, the last city in the top 10, scored 117.

'You're seeing the impact of the new policies in Japan and their effect on the yen, ' said Mr. Bell. 'Tokyo was so consistent in being in the top 3, but to see it fall quite a bit is changing perceptions.' He added that 'it's feeling much easier on the wallet to spend time there, ' though the city is still 'not exactly cheap.'

According to the survey, other expensive cities in Asia-Pacific included Hong Kong (No. 13, with 113), Osaka (No. 14, with 112) and Seoul (No. 17, with 108).

Chinese cities are moving up in the rankings, a reflection of higher wages, rising inflation and the appreciation of the yuan, Mr. Bell said. Shanghai rose nine spots to rank No. 21 overall. Its score of 101 means it's now 1% more expensive than New York.

Shenzhen (No. 32, with a score of 96), Dalian (No. 42, with 92) and Beijing (No. 47, with 88) were the other top-ranking Chinese cities.

At the other end of the scale, the cheapest places to live continue to lie in South Asia. The survey concluded that the three least-expensive cities in the world are Mumbai (No. 131, with a score of 39), Karachi (No. 130, with 40) and New Delhi (No. 129, with 43).
片子和现实始终有差距的,用片子的对比现实是对比不出真实情况的,反正我没出过国,我只发表国内看法:今天 ...
zhoujin 发表于 2014-4-8 10:58

老百姓关心的是日常日子好不好过,可好刚看到一篇文,说中外城市生活成本,生活在这种城 ...
lilian69 发表于 2014-4-8 21:09

公平的说,国外的P民比国内的P民要好过,这是不可辩驳的事实,他们的goods很多比国内要便宜不止一点点,如果是基本生存,肯定是他们比天朝好,但是如果真算上服务的话,估计中国的排名要靠后了,因为他们的service charge很高,比如我去美国吃顿饭,不给18%~20%的小费不行,酒店门童拿个行李也要给小费,每天换打扫房间的还要给,  打个出租如果有行李,还要另外给小费,我姐姐住CA,她出国前什么都不会,现在剪头发,修车,修家电,修管道,除草都会,因为那里车子随便修修1000美刀就没了,连装修房子都自己动手,美国人欧洲人也都是这样自己动手,我一个比利时的同事就给我看过他自己装修的房子。。。。另外他们出门不开车不行,公车要不是要等半小时以上要不就是离你家至少2公里。所以关键还是取决于你所在的阶层和过什么样的日子,各有利弊
白骨红妆 发表于 2014-4-9 10:06

以前看了不少,比如lost,hero,prison break,Desperate Housewives等等,这两年工作太忙,看的很少,最近也就看过house of cards