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[闲谈] shocked by backtesting result

本帖最后由 farshine 于 2011-9-23 19:50 编辑

I was shocked after backtesting my system for es in different time frame!
profit triple! I can not believe it!
Will post detail after I verified each trade!
verify and find the situation of that period of market......
在一个黄道吉日,朕顺其自然找个地方和爱妃们停车坐爱。。。Forum: trading1678.blogspot.com
谢谢皇上!这个结果实在是太让我吃惊了! 我准备今晚+明天来进行测试,可能会backtest 3-5年的数据,取决于esignal有多长时间的ES 数据!will post result tomorrow night!
Perfect sunshine
Thanks for sharing
Remove ur email from my trading system because u don't trade ES.  Leave space for other guy who trade ES.
回复 7# farshine

okie dokie
回复  farshine

okie dokie
aimei 发表于 2011-9-24 11:18

farshine 发表于 2011-9-24 11:26

still wnna cry

but it is fair
本帖最后由 farshine 于 2011-9-24 13:12 编辑
still wnna cry

but it is fair
aimei 发表于 2011-9-24 11:28

Thanks! 我今天启用了新域名和邮件系统,现在可以支持unlimited user,旧的只能支持20个email. 我现在不想开通太多,系统仍然处于调试中,俺希望听到更多反馈,不想误导小青蛙。等系统稳定后再说。


本帖最后由 farshine 于 2011-9-24 21:38 编辑

ES 15min, trading from 9:30AM-16:00PM every day, no night trading
from Aug 31-Sep 23, Curve looks like not so good
24-09-2011 9-30-17 PM.png
24-09-2011 9-30-39 PM.png
24-09-2011 9-31-01 PM.png
ES 30min, trading from 9:30AM-16:00PM every day, no night trading
from Aug 22-Sep 23,
24-09-2011 9-38-23 PM.png
24-09-2011 9-38-49 PM.png
24-09-2011 9-39-15 PM.png
ES 60min, trading from 9:30AM-16:00PM every day, no night trading
from July 27-Sep 23,
24-09-2011 9-43-34 PM.png
24-09-2011 9-43-52 PM.png
24-09-2011 9-44-19 PM.png
All last three 15 min/30 min/60 min use the same parameter for the trading system.  Interesting result. Curve for 60 min looks not so good. But, it may help to judge market direction!