knock - Good point! 妳提出一個恢常好的觀察 是的 有時它們會有共振現象(正向或反向) 如果我們要以觀察一個東西的走勢來判斷另一個東西的可能走向 那將會是令人失望並且是一種十分危險的假設 因為兩者之間的互動實際上是因為第三者(第四者...第N者)的因素所造成 say,
X -> A
X -> B
We cannot conclude that A -> B 或是 B -> A
大部分的人都會關心 市場之間的關聯性
偶到是一點都不 care
偶們大部分看到貨幣貶值股市漲 但也有過長期一塊漲或一塊跌的 (e.g., 最近美元與美股就是一塊漲跌的)
若追根究底 總是可以查出背後漲跌的原因 但對偶這個 TA purist 來說 ... I don't care
偶做哪個市場就看哪個圖 不管任何其它市場的任何圖
若是走FA路線的人 可能想要搞清楚 市場之間的關聯性
若是走TA路線的人 建議還是將它當成黑盒子 不要理它 輕鬆簡單又愉快
post bank intervention it's much easier to manipulate ,no bear stearns to pick off the whales,eom and expo seem to always work upward,snow,thanks for putting this out there
ammo - You are welcome, and thanks for reading and commenting.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
It's good that SP futures pulls up a lot before the market opens. We will need to watch to see if the cash index would fall below the starting point of last up waves - the low of 04/23/2012 in order to decide which count is valid.
If 04/23/2012's low is breached, the wave count of 04/28/2012's post becomes valid. Otherwise, last weekend's count is valid.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
[B]Just so I understand this correctly, as this is very interesting regarding the wave count, if the futures (/ES) breached but SPX did not, which takes precedence in accurately counting the waves? [/B]
ScalperJoe - Very good point! That is a very good question indeed! We trade wave, which is following some natual law, so we want to trade something that has good liquidity and good volume. The more people participate the market, the more accurate we can get from counting the wave. It is a dilemma whether we should or should not count the wave of after hour's futures market. The after hour's trading is much easier to be manipulated. What I do is to have a 2-way consideration: I count both SPX and futures index. Today's market is an example that the after hour trading penetrated 04/23's low, but in the regular hour the market tried many time without being able to breach that key support. Now I guess that we have two possible counts:
1. ABC has completed the wave [IV], so the market is heading north for [V].
2. Or the market is heading down in a massive wave-III collapse.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠