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回复 15# moonlighztrain

If you didn't buy the house, you shouldn't expect much, just be glad you didn't have to pay for it.

If you buy your own house, you get to have your own house rules.....so work hard and pay and buy your own house.

Isn't it sensible to have divided financials?? If you don't plan to get $$ from your in-laws, you don't need to be upset.

Getting your parents to live with you for short-term visit should be fine, but if they live with your "free rental", don't you think that's taking advantage of your in-laws?

Anyway, I think this mother-in-law is very sensible.  All requests are within reason.  I think once you get married, you should be responsible for your own financials (not your parents, not your relatives, not your in-laws, but your own family). If I get pregnant, I don't plan to have my mother in-law pay for anything daycare/childcare etc....

If anything, I think this mother-in-law is paying more than she should.
回复 24# junejoan

I think you only think this way if you want something from the mother-in-law.  If you and your husbands plans to buy your own house, live a financially independent life, it wouldn't matter.  (Her rules won't apply to you if you don't live in her house.  Her rules don't apply to you if you don't plan to inherit any money from your mother-in-law.)

" 5、如果你们的资产和有价证券将会有律师陪伴在公证处的公证下进行遗嘱的制订,并且我将不会有机会接触到你们的资产,我有权力回把我儿子改姓我们娘家的姓。当然,你可以尽一个奶奶的责任和义务,但是不会享有奶奶的名分。希望您对于我们的决定表示支持,毕竟儿子是我身上掉下来的一块肉。他比你们的资产更加珍贵。如果你要你的资产,就别要孙子。

This daughter-in-law has flawed logic.  Why would you decide on having a kid or not based on your mother-in-law wanting to give you inheritance or not? unless you already plan to get $$ from your in-laws...Wanting to have a child should be you wanting to have a child with your spouse, no other reasons.

Your mother-in-law made her OWN money, she has the right to give it to anyone she wants, even donate it all and not leave a penny for her son or her grandson.  

Do you think your mother-in-law has any right to your money? If the answer is No, then you should not expect any money from your mother-in-law.

And marriage is not about marrying 2 families, its about you and your spouse.
回复 52# lailaolan

well said.