



【原创】《青蛙抄个股》 -- Catch a falling knife

4已有 28667 次阅读  2012-12-21 16:11   标签个股  原创  falling 

[原创] 《青蛙抄个股》 (基本实盘)http://www.yayabay.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=226165&extra=&page=1

Catch a falling knife, that is a kind of my style.
Scared? Go to somewhere else. :)

而且,在 trading time, 根本没有时间解释。
I stopped buying in the morning, and make decision near market close. It may reduce or increase risks. Be aware of it. Buying at market price usually means I am in a hurry, which may increase risks too.
I don't know if you have noticed it or not, I am doing ST, the period is shorter than Daoge. If I see the stock in my portfolio drop, I will sell it pretty fast. I don't regret even I sold it too early, and may miss a big up trip. Keep my capital is more important than making money.
If you don't set stop-loss, then you should not buy stocks nor follow my picks. Sorry!

Somebody told me: "我已经买入 XXXX ,如果你有什么行动请告诉我,谢谢!" 
My answer: "I will try, but you never have a guarantee."

Tell you what I bought does NOT give me an obligation to report when I sell it. The reasons I have told here before on this thread. If you want, you can try to find it. I don't have time to tell the same thing again and again.
Please always remember: YMYD.

I will, but no guarantee. Remember, always set your own stop-loss according to your own risk tolerance.
Why no guarantee?
1) I am not always on the internet
2) I might forget.
3) If the market is sharp down, I might be too busy to sell many stuff. When I am done with mine, then post, it might be too late for you.
4) I might sell it at wrong time, important thing to remember too!
Be careful!

It is just too much burden. And also I don't remember which stocks I bought have been posted here.
Yes, this does mean I trade more stocks than I post here.
If you do something wrong or not too good, take notes, don't regret, move on!
The key concept is taking emotions out of the trading table!
This has made me a little better trader.

I did not know the market would be down today. However, I do know we face a lot of uncertainties.
Uncertainty never is a friend of traders. In this case, be defensive, that was really what in my mind.
We cannot be always correct, but we can always be defensive.
My thinking on stop-loss/stop-gain
1) You must follow your own rules, and follow them strictly
2) Rules are NOT always right on certain situation. don't change the rules on the operation time, never! just follow them.
3) Modify the rules when necessary, follow the new rules strictly again. Never change them on trading time.
Attitude (心态) is everything.
This was posted last time, just add a little
1) You must follow your own rules, and follow them strictly
2) Rules are NOT always right on certain situation. don't change the rules on the operation time, never! just follow them.
3) Modify the rules when necessary, follow the new rules strictly again. Never change them on trading time.
4) Only make change on rules when you have a clear thinking and enough time to test the new rules. Hurry change usually cause new problems.
我在学习一位朋友的 选股+组合 的交易方法
这位朋友是理论水平很高的,我也不十分清楚他的方法。我只是想学他的组合交易的概念,就是用某种选股方法买很多股票,然后淘优汰劣。降低交易风险。大致如此吧。 他是程序交易的,我现在是手动交易。也许将来会程序交易。

我一般不猜市场,我也一般不抱幻想。错了就止损,就是止损错了也不后悔。遵守纪律第一, 不会每次都对,只要对的概率比较高就可以。
请大家原谅,我做股票是非常粗线条的,并不要求买在最低,卖在最高。因为我的目标是将来做 程序交易。我把自己看成机器,比较笨的。而且不怕接飞刀。

一般人认为个股难炒,都去抄大盘,ETF。那里研究的人多,MM也多。个股每个有每个特点,对付的不同MM,看起来比较难。实际上容错也比较大,东方不亮西方亮。危险性反而降低了 ----- my 2 cents
When you short, your anticipation is down, if it goes opposite direction, then that was a mistake.
When you should stop-loss? It also depends on your anticipation, the stock will go up or down from here? If you anticipate it will go down, then you should keep it patiently, and vice versa。 Of course, there is a possibility, the new anticipation is wrong again. That is why we make decision based on probability, because we are not sure what will happen tomorrow.

Q. Can I hold stock XXX?
Make your own decision.

I sold it because I have a discipline, which let me sell it if anything up 5% or more in one day. It is NOT because I anticipate it down tomorrow. You see I bought more stocks today. I almost forgot my discipline today until very late.

Why did I forget? Because I lost profit on AMD/ANR, since I sold them too early,
I regretted. I should not regret on them  since I followed my own discipline. Period!

This discipline let me only take certain amount of profit, after that, if the stock goes to sky, I should NOT regret.

I might change my discipline, when I find a better new one.
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